My stomach has not really settled down and although I do have days were it seems better, today was not one of those days. When I woke up it was to the rumble of my stomach I headed for the loo and that’s when my day went downhill. It was all over in a couple of seconds but the way my gut was I knew it was not be the last time I would be in here today. We had the boat trip that afternoon too, was not looking forward to that.
Because I was up early and did not want to wake klous I headed to the beach front to look out on the world, the wind had only let up a bit so there was a bit of surf breaking on the shore. I always find this sound very calming, I sat at one of the sun beds that was catching the morning light and let the sun warm my back as the wind blew into my front. Besides my arse it was going to be a nice day. Breakfast was steamed rice and an egg. Yummy. That was lunch too.
The idea was to come out for one night then head back to the mainland at four, I was going to stay in Kep and they were going back to Kampot for the night then back to Phnom Penh. Besides Klous who was retired the rest were all teaching English in Phnom Penh. $14 an hour US. That’s if you want a job teaching English.
After so discussion it was decided that 3 were going back and the rest of us were going to stay one more night. The three who were leaving headed off, Klous, The Cambodian Guy who I had not really talked to as he got in a mood with one of the German girls he goes out with and the got drunk on rice wine and passed out and the German girl. I kind of felt that we would be seeing the German girl again as she did not really want to go.
About 40 minutes later the German girl showed up without her boy friend, looks like that relationship is going to last, NOT. Anyway not that I really cared I was having an intermit relationship with the toilet, we really got to know each other well. I did manage to go for a swim and by the end of the day was feeling a little better, I was feeling as though I had a bit more control. That night after a nice enough sunset I had a meal of Grilled Fish with steamed rice, yummy. Well the fish was nice.
hey stevey weavey, just had a big read of your recent blogs, you're marching on steve with heaps of amazing experiences. hope the stomach is behaving itself - i do have to laugh at some of your descriptions....i know what you're going through. will email you...maria xoxox