Meet up with Jelle last night and had dinner, we discussed headed up to Bokor Hill station and taking the bikes if we can get up there, it’s a 1000m drop along a dirt road, there is also a old abandoned Casino, water falls and a Buddhist temple to visit. After we had a dinner we headed over to a bar that looked good, we had a chat with an English expat who owned the bar and were told the news that you could not go up the hill, it seems they have sold the national park off to the Russians and they are redeveloping the area.
There is to be a new Casino and a golf course, the road is being widened and this is why no one is aloud up there, so plans were a bit ruined. So do I stay or do I go. I decided to stay for one more day. Before I woofle on about the next day I have to tell you about the chocolate brownie, Now we have all been travelling and you miss things when your away, like a nice roast lamb or things like that, every now and then you do find things that you really like, in my case Chocolate brownies, now you have to have them with cream or ice cream, brownies by themselves are always wanting.
So far in my travels I have tried a few chocolate brownies around the place and they really have not been up to standard, I found the perfect chocolate brownie in Kampot. It stood just over a inch and a half high and maybe 3 by 3 inches, warmed and moist all the way through with some large dollops of Vanilla Ice cream on top. I have to say it was a bowl of heaven. If I had not had so much dinner I would have had two helpings.
The next day I meet up with Jelle again and we went for a ride around Kampot, I ride took us through the back streets and towards the sea, we went passed these houses built on stilts sitting out over the river I have to wonder what happens when the river rises as some were only a foot above the water, our little foray came to an end when we hit a cannel, a local guy stopped on the other side and pointed down the cannel to where it was only thigh deep, but by the looks of the water we decided that this was not the best course of action and retreated back towards town.
After the disappointment of not being able to reach the see we headed across the three bridges bridge, now let me explain this, during the Vietnam war, the Americans bombed the bridge twice, so one section is a concrete section one metal and then a different concrete section. It made for a very interesting bridge, of cause now they have a brand new bridge up river a bit.
We rode around on the far side of the bridge for a hour or so then headed back, we decided to meet up later on for dinner again. We went back to the bar with the chocolate brownies and had dinner there, Jelle meet up with a guy he had meet in Siam Reap so we sat down with the group he was in. Jelle’s friend recommended the BBQ Spare ribs so that is what I had and these were also very good, the only problem was when I went to order the Chocolate brownie again Jelle had beaten me to it and got the last piece, as you can imagine I was disappointed. I had to console myself with a big bowl of Ice cream.
I had chatted with the people around me and when they headed off they invited me to come out to Rabbit Island with them the next day as it is just off the coast from Kep my next destination, it sounded like a good idea, the only thing was I had forgot to ask where and when I would meet them. O well tomorrow would tell if I caught up with them again.
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