I had booked a moto to take me out to the lake to have a look around and see what it was like, got up had breakfast and then jumped in the moto for the ride to the lake, now my understanding was you could go right to the edge of the lake by road, should have asked more questions. Did not even get to the lake, did not even see the lake, the road ends about 10km from the lake and then you have to get a boat $20US for a couple of hours to go out to the lake. If I had been told this before I left I would not have wasted my time. I could have been on the road heading south. I had wasted an hour and $8, that’s nearly 3 meals, so as you would expect I was a bit pissed.
The moto drive tried to get me to go to some Wats for $5 extra but by now all I wanted to do was go back. When I got back the manager of the hotel said “O it must be under new management”. He did offer me free dinner to make up for it, which was nice enough, in the end I got both dinner and Breakfast free so cannot complain too much.
After this I went for a walk into town to relax a bit, earphones on music playing did not have to listen to the constant moto drivers trying to get work, calling out etc. Walking pasted a massage place and one of the girls asks if I would like massage and that sounded bloody good to me. Yep booked me a one hour massage.
Now as we walked in nothing was set up and there was no one else around, I was taken right through the building to the back, and yep I was wondering what I had got myself into. But after changing into there really bad top and pants the massage started, and it was good, very good. After I walked out all the stress of the morning was gone and the day was looking better.
I went and did a bit of shopping after this, needed some oil for my chain and a couple of other things. The negotiations were fun and we both had a laugh, I had a price I wanted to pay and got what I wanted but she tried to throw everything else in for more money, in the end we both left the negotiations happy.
After this it was lunch time and then spent the rest of the afternoon reading my book. I checked the my email to see if the Germans had emailed but no luck in that department so will try and meet up with them in Phnom Penh.
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