Monday, June 29, 2009

Easy rider, super glue and a bridge

Well I was up and off by 5:30am, an’t you proud of me, say it, say it, good, headed for the river, had to catch a boat over the Mekong, got lost once on the way there, got my ticket and then joined the throng of people waiting, as the boat drew in close you could feel the anticipation of the crowd, all eager to get the optimal position on the boat, engines revving, choking smoke and then we made our way slowly onto the boat, after the anticipation of the wait it was a bit of a anti climax. Can’t have everything by the seat of my pants can I.
30km then breakfast, the road once I had left the town are all being redeveloped so it was a case of going from duel lane to single lane to less than single lane for the whole 30kms, luckily there was more duel lane than the other two so not so bad, made good time, and just cruised along. Found a little food stop for breakfast which good.
After breakfast pulled my glasses out of my bag and found they had broken, now I had got these in Malaysia so they had done well to survive this long, I had had to fix one of the nose pads before now but that was still holding sweet. Superglue, brought in Malaysia to fix the glasses last time they broke, I have also used it to fix my denture when I broke a tooth, still holding, has fixed a couple of things on my bike as well, still holding, so got into my bag and glued my glasses back together waited a couple of minutes then through them on and off I went, and there still holding.
Had to go over this pretty big bridge, might be a little bigger than the Auckland harbor bridge, took the walking track as thought I would stop in the middle and do some photo’s as you can see I did, everyone else on their motorbikes stops up there as well, I did not think you were allowed to do that but it seems in Asia you are, there was a guy up there telling everyone to move on if they had been there for more than 10 minutes. The Australians helped to build the bridge which I thought was nice of them till I got down the other side and found the toll booths, nice one Aussie. Saying that it is more likely the Vietnamese government making money.
The rest of the ride was not really that interesting, made it to My Tho and after a few wrong turns found the area I wanted, found another big bridge here as well which is not on the map, if I had know about this bridge I could have save about 20km of riding, o well I will know for next time. Ha next time…
Have decided I need a horn or something that makes a bit of noise to scare people when they pull out in front of me, so far I have wire and a switch, I just want a 6v horn so I can use a small battery, but am having a bit of trouble finding one, and making myself understood as well, well really that is the real problem it’s the communication that seems to be a problem, I am hoping to have a bit more luck on my way into Ho Chi Min City tomorrow. Then I’ll show them.

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