Well for a those who mountain bike Angkor is a great place for single track riding, there are so many paths that cut away from the main tourist trails it’s fabulous. Jumped on one trail, before I go on I was riding with road tires, anyway I jumped on one trail wipping through some pretty slippery tracks, flat running most of it but because of the slicks on the bike and the fact that the area is clay type soil it made for a good ride at speed.
I had gone passed Angkor Wat before this, I have a 5 day pass so today was all about getting lost and having a good time doing it, I did look at some Wats but we will get to that later, so after a quick stop at Angkor which was packed with people, I randomly picked a direction and went, thank goodness my phone has a compass because I did manage to get myself lost. Not much sun direction in the trees.
Back on to what is important, the single track, after jumping off the main drag on to a dirt track, which weaved itself in and out of the trees, I popped out into a open area near a classroom full of kids, I did not want to disturb them to much so cruised on past with a quick wave and then I was gone again. After a few more corners I came across the elephants home, They have these rides for the tourists on elephant back through the Wats, have you noticed how I class myself as not a tourist, well I do the tourist things just not in the normal tourist way. I’m special people, very special. So after zipping passed the elephants I came across one of the little villages, the people doing the usual thing if there not working, I.e. lying in a hammock sleeping, these guys have the right idea.
At this stage I had kinda got myself turned around so had to pull out my phone and find north, yes and I forgot my map so most of the day I really had no clue where I was. North found I headed in that general direction and came across a road and a big gate way with a moat, so headed through then dragged the bike onto the wall, I did do a few photos, then it was off again, what I thought was a north direction but with a check of the phone was east.
So along the wall I went, this was a pretty big wall but did have single track running along it, heading east then ran out of wall and headed north, then found a sign pointing off down a small hill off the wall so headed down, was board with the flat path. Ran down a small rain rutted track and came to a culvert which looked nice so took some photos and got attached by ants, I stood right in the middle of a red ant column. Got a good couple of bits from them the little buggers.
Back on the bike and came to a swamp and some tracks that were to over grown to ride so had to retreat back up to the top of the wall and continue north. Found the West gate of Angkor Thom one of the biggest Wat complexes in the Angkor park. At the time I had thought this was where I was but without a map could not be sure. Followed a road back towards the main area passed a couple of stunned guards, it seems people don’t go that way much.
Did a bit of Wat spotting and then headed north, I did stop and take photo’s it was a nice wat but not the best I would see, so back on the road headed out through the north gate started following the tourist horde doing the tourist circuit, stopped in at Preah Khan, this was pretty cool, had a good look around a took lots of photos, it really is amazing and in it’s day would have been something special, even now as it is falling down it has so much character and a sense of energy and hidden secrets.
Back on the bike, I was starting to get hungry by now, well it was close to 12, stopped outside a wat at one of the eating places, there are so many it’s hard to miss them. Had a really crap noodle meals but I was hungry and it filled a part of the void. Had a look through the Wat which turned out to be Neak Pean which is another big wat. Will have to revisit some of these. After this jumped back on some single track through to another wat and then more single track till I came out beside a lake. Had a drink and by now was felling like heading home had done a few hours ridding and wat spotting.
On the way back grabbed a tow from one of the motor rickshaws, and it just happened to be full of Kiwi’s from Christchurch, so as I held onto the side of the rickshaw we had a chat. They were heading into town as well so got a tow all the way in, sweet. Will probably see them tomorrow as I will be up early for the rising of the sun over Angkor wat, heard it is something to see, so hopefully the sun will be out.
I will retrace some of the Wats from today as would like to spend more time at them, also would like to spend more time at Angkor Wat, just have to keep away from all the kids selling books and little trinkets, they can be a bit annoying.
Have spent the rest of the afternoon fixing a broken plastic bit on my bike hopefully it holds together otherwise I could have a problem with my gears. At the moment I have superglued it back together and put a cable tie around it for more support, tomorrow will let me know it has worked.
Just so you know I took 100+ photos, so be ready for a lot of photos when I get back.. That's just day 1...
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