The 7th what can I say about the 7th not much really, did bugger all, got up late about 7:30am why will my body not let me sleep in, had breakfast by 9:30am and then what the hell do I do with the rest of my day, I did need to get a new book, so had one thing to do, all you people at home doing your 8 till 5 jobs have forgotten how hard travel is. Made it into town about 11am to look for a new book, ended up getting two which means more weight in the bag, good one Steve. Saying that I was contemplating the other day if I could ride my bike and read at the same time so that would get through the books.
Had a look through the markets as well but could not find what I was looking for, cant tell you what it is either as that would spoil things. At about 2pm after some lunch came back to the guest house and read my book and that pretty much was the 7th taken care of.
The 8th came around after the 7th as it does, there is a building site right next to my window and so far they have been fairly quiet until this morning, I did notice yesterday that they had brought in a big crane so something was going to happen, and at 7am it all started. They are laying the foundations at the moment, they have these 5 meter long foundation posts that they are using a hydraulic ram to push into the ground. Lets just say it is a bit hard to sleep through.
Today was the day I was going to head out to the Roluos Wats, three to see, no bike, Moto this time. Moto’s are motorbikes with trailers. The wats are older than the ones at Angkor, and are more Hindu in nature, the and more run down. After negotiating a price with the Moto driver we headed off, out on the road that I will be riding out of in a few more days.
We arrived in good time and were meet by the kids trying to sell books and other things, and ladies yelling to buy a drink from them, of cause there is three or four of them yelling at the same time. It does get a bit frustrating when it is every single temple you go to. But I just walked pasted said no thank you and headed to the temples.
I made it to the third temple which was the best, and most interesting, the only problem was I had this kid who just would not leave me alone, probably because I was the only one there, bugger he was a pain in the arse, when I stopped to take photo’s he was beside me asking for money, yes I realize that these kids are poor and under privileged and yes they have a terrible life and good I’m a bastard but really I can’t help them all. I have donated books to an orphanage, I have brought over price coke, and heroin woops, no just the cans of coke and water off them. I cannot help everyone leave me alone, all I wanted was to walk around the temple and enjoy the afternoon and I could not.
Before I carry on what made these temple so different was they were definitely Hindu, the structures and drawing were so much like some of the temples I had seen in India. Shiva, Vishnu, Garnesh etc. So it would have been nice to spend more time.
Now I know what some of you are thinking, why did you not just give him so money to get rid of him, but do you do that with all of them because if you did around here it would be a short journey. So I got a few photo’s of the temple but did not give it the time it required. After this it was back in to the Moto and back to Angkor to look at a water wheel, not sure why we went there the driver just took me. It made for a pleasant ride back.
Once back in town I headed to get some gelato icecream, I needed something yummy. I have received an email from the germans cyclists so will hopefully meet up with them sometime tomorrow. They well be here for a few days and then they head to Phnom Penh by boat so hope to meet up with them in Phnom Penh and head south with them before I head into Vietnam, and they head towards Thailand. Also hope to meet up with Peter an Aussie living in Phnom Penh, he manages an orphanage there.
Tomorrow is the big lake for a few hours and the relax and get ready to head off south, 3 days 350km to Phnom Penh and everyone has said terrible roads. Will it will be a change because so far there pretty good. The sunset was very nice, it is now just dropping below the horizon, the sky is that beautiful golden color, have to say I think sunset and sunrise are the best time of day, the light is gorgeous, but that could be the photographer coming out in me. Well better think about food, and sleep…
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