Early start this morning up at 5am to head out to Angkor Wat for sunrise it the thing to do, on the bike again, it’s really nice riding the bike without the trailer, took about 10 or so minutes to ride out there, I thought it would be packed with people hanging off the walls looking for the best shot. When I got there, there was no one there, there were the usual police and assistants but otherwise it was just me. I did stay on the outer edge of Angkor.
Right so people who have been here would know that around the outside of Angkor wat is a moat that goes around the whole thing, it has two bridges one to the west and one to the east, then it has a large wall with towers on it, then after you pass through this there is a walk way a couple of buildings and ponds to either side of the walkway then you come to the main temple.
Everyone goes and sits inside this inner ring with the main temple and takes photo’s, while I stayed on the outside with a view of the moat, outer wall and towers and the temple off in the distance. It was just me there, so I did a few photos, about 40 or so then as the sun got higher in the sky went into the temple proper and took some more. At the time what I did not pick up was my lens was pretty dirty. So out of about a 100 odd photos 50 of them are useless and the others I have had to do some photoshop work on. Note to self check the lens.
After the sun had risen over the back of Angkor wat, which I have to say with the clouds around was pretty good, not the best sunrise I have seen on the journey but still a worthy one. I wandered through the temple and eased dropped on some of the guides talking about the history of the temple, I wonder how much of what they say is out of the books the kids try and sell you, some I am sure are just about word for word.
I left the tour groups behind and worked my way through the temple and out the other side, so I had just gone from the West to east side, the sun on this side was perfect for a few photo’s and the colors were quite dramatic in some of them. I was all by myself, did not wanna be all by myself, no just kidding it makes for good photos when you don’t have 500 westerners in the back ground. I on purpose position myself to be in people photos, just so when they get back home they go who the hell was that guy. Just kidding.
After I had walked around for a good 1 ½ hours it was time to go back to bed, I spent the rest of the morning relaxing and reading my pop up book, those two or three sentences are hard work, so I managed to finish my book and now have to find another one. I did make it out in the afternoon to the local market to look for some chain oil, all they have here is WD40 which will have to do.
Later in the afternoon I headed back out to the wats to climb the hill to Ta Prohm Kel which every man and his elephant climb to watch the sunset, besides the monks doing a mantra as they walked around the temple and a crowd of locals following them there was really not much to talk about, the sun set was very undramatic, there was no flare of light the sky did not turn firey red or golden, the sun pretty much said later and that was it. The main road back was pretty cluttered on the way back so I jumped on one of the small roads that lead back into town.
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