I have been told the road to Phnom Penh was bad by a few people, have to say besides being a narrow road it was not too bad. I had had a good start to the day and was making good time towards Phnom Penh, the traffic was not too bad.
I had stopped for breakfast and had a bit of a dodgy meal, my stomach was doing a bit of rumbling and at the time I thought it did not sound good. The bacteria of my stomach it seems were fighting for survival and it was a battle they hopefully would win. So with my stomach gurgling I battled on, 75km to easy. As I neared the 40km to go mark the road got busy and narrow.
There was only a little dirt path down the outside for me to escape on to and this was used a few times. Now here in Cambodia there seems to be a beeping of the horn rules. One beep is I am coming through, two beeps is I am coming through get out of my way now, three beeps is this is going to be really close if you don’t move now, and four beeps is the last thing you hear before the impact. One other thing is never look behind you and you could see how close death is.
So with the roads busy and dusty and the crazy driving I edged closer to Phnom Penh, I had stopped counting the close calls where the cars were ½ a foot away and I was just counting the ones were my arm hairs got brushed by the cars, bikes and trucks as they went passed. I stopped a couple of times to have a drink and escape the madness. Who needs adrenaline sports just ride on a bike into Phnom Penh.
With only 10km to go the traffic had come to a stop as they were doing some road works up ahead somewhere, if you were on a bus it would have been quicker walking into Phnom Penh I am sure, lucky for me and the bike we weren’t and headed down the outside of all the cars into Phnom Penh.
I eased over the friend ship bridge just before lunch which I thought was perfect timing. The roads were crazy as in most Asian cities, the rules for city riding are never look behind you, once you decide to move across the traffic keep going at the same speed. If you hesitate or slow your speed this is where problems happen, you become unpredictable and this gets you in trouble.
I easily negotiated the traffic like I had lived here all my life, NO FEAR, I am sure one day I will push my luck and get hit but will worry about it when it happens. I am pretty impressed that the trailer has not been hit, I keep meaning to buy a new bright flag for it like the one I lost so long ago in Malaysia but just have not got around to it yet.
Phnom Penh is a crazy place and there are less road rules here than anywhere I have ridden before, cars, bikes and moto’s run red lights all the time and if there are no lights you just have to edge out into the traffic and hope it stops as you shoot across. It’s good fun. Yep it is confirmed I am crazy.
I found my guest house after a few looks at the map, got told to move on by a cop at one point when I had stopped at the side of the road, there were no signs to say I could not but I am not one to cause trouble with the police, will leave that to my sister to do.. Found out later the President of Thailand was in town and would be passing through at some point.
Made it to the Guesthouse with no real problems and have settled in for a few days, have not heard from the Germans yet, but hope to soon, if I have not heard from them by Monday evening will head off south anyway.
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