The Market, we being the Dutch pair and Myself were off to what is called the Russian Market, not really sure why it is call the Russian Market but it is, We meet up for breakfast and it was decide that we would take bikes out to the market it was only about 3-5 km away so not too far. Nienke hired a bike from the guest house and we headed off, I really love the roads here the traffic is so much fun in this city, I have heard that Ho Chi Min is more crazy so I am going to have to pass through the city on my way north. Anyway back to the story at hand. We went to the market.
Like most markets in Asia they sell everything, from angle grinders to little trinkets. When we got there we headed for a drink as it was a late start and the temperature was getting up again, it did however look like rain. While we were sitting down Ellea the Dutch Guy did not look good, he went a greenish color and started sweating profusely. We kept an eye on him and after 15 minutes or so he settled back down. Not sure what it was about.
After this little episode we headed into the market, Ellea and Nienke were out for shopping and I was just there to have a look, I think I lost them about 4-5 times as they slipped into these small shops to try and strike a bargin, haggling the locals over 25cents to get that right price. I have to say after 2 hours I was ready for off, one thing I did buy was fruit, it is one of the best things I have found in Asia is how cheap the fresh fruit is.
After the market we headed back and I did some emails and had a chat with Treve from Work, well done for getting Skype up and running, if you would like to Skype me I come under stevethecyco (thanks Norm) times can be arranged through email.
15-16th not much really happened, I went and got a two month VISA for Nam, read my book and hid in a Air con café for a few hours, my stomach was still not right so would be here for a couple more days, caught up with Nienke and Ellea that night so we headed into town as Nienke is off to Vietnam to start a 3 week tour of duty there. Had a pretty good pasta dish and a pizza which I have to say was fantastic.
I head south on the 17th, have not heard from the Germans so will be carrying on south on my own, it is about 2000km from one end of Vietnam to the other but I think a train will be used over some of it. I am really looking forward to Nam, I have been told lots of good things.
So just a quick mileage to date.
Singapore 52km
Malaysia 849
Thailand 948
Loa 528
Cambodia 585
Total to date 2962
So by the time I rock over into Vietnam I will have hit the 3000km, I have to say it has been getting harder not easier for some reason, Maybe I have hit a plateau and the 3000km mark will be the beginning of renewed enthusiasm.
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