Washing found, outside of room some still wet, if they had given it back to me the night before as I asked it would have been dry, luckily nothing of importance was wet. Had some breakfast before I left still not sure how the stomach was doing. I had to ride about 25km to the border then into Vietnam and Ta Hein a town 6km from the border, easy ride.
The trip out of town was nice, overcast so it was pretty cool, the road was getting fixed up so it was an easy ride, I have to say I like Kep, no one hassles you or anything, they just get about their business and if you would like something you just have to ask, no constant nagging. This mornings ride to the border consists of a straight road, then a right turn then another right turn and straight to the border, sounds easy does it not.
I got the first right turn no problem, the next right turn was a whole other matter, to tell the truth never really found it, I realized this when I came across the town I had seen on the map and told myself I don’t want to go there, not because it’s not a nice town but because it is about 10km out of my way and a bit of a roundabout way to get to the crossing I wanted. Well that was a shame. Top up on some fluids and got directions, headed off and went straight passed the road I wanted again, turned around and stopped on the corner, it was heading in the direction I wanted, Ask a local time again, pointed down one road Vietnam reply Yes, pointed down the other road Vietnam reply Yes, great it was one of those that if I pointed up to the sky and said Vietnam I would have got yes. Took the road that was going south, bit of a dirt track, enough for 1 ½ cars, lots of traffic must be it.
Spent the next 10km on a dirt road with minivans bellowing smoke and dust everywhere, I wonder who is going to pay for my dry cleaning bill. Even with my directional mistake and the rough roads I still made it in good time and the repairs on the trailer worked as it was towing well.
After the 10km dirt road track I came across the road I should have been on, another dirt road, now you don’t really find the Cambodian border here you more just stumble across it, it dirt road, dirt road oops border, if you blink you could miss it. Got my passport stamped and got a photo done, 3000km people, 3000km how about that, who would have thought, I have ridden 3000km and have a few thousand to go.
After the dirt road of Cambodia, which was kind of a nice way to leave Cambodia for some reason, it just worked, it hit Tar seal and a big building on the Vietnamese side. Now it was a hot day and I did my health check and the guy asked for a US dollar and I just paid, did not really think about it till after I had done it, I have not have to pay for a health slip, brain just must have jumped out of gear. I found it funny really, and I think so did he because he gave me a big wave when I left, probably thinking stupid tourist, ha and he would have been right. The jokes on him, because I ticked no to everything, yet I have had headaches and diarrhea, that will show him, I think…
Off to Ha Tein, skip a jump and I was in town, found a bank so had some Dong(money) all was good, time to feed the machine and think about heading on east in to Vietnam, so I pulled into a hotel, plenty of time for Vietnam easy day today. I tried to find a map for Vietnam but that was not going to happen in Ha Tien, to tell the truth there was not really much here at all. My room was nice and the people who run it were friendly enough. So the tour of Nam had started.
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