I am so tired, I woke up so tired this morning, it took me a while to get out of bed and get ready. I jumped on the bike and headed out of town, my arse is killing me, my legs don’t feel too bad it’s the mind that has the problem. My mind is tired from pushing my body along the day before.
After 30km some of which I rode through a military base, there were guards at the start of the road but they never stopped me so I just carried on riding, it was good because the road was fairly quiet, and stair towards were I needed to go. So on I rode passed solders and an airforce base and the more guards at the other end, I just waved to them and then all of a sudden the road got really busy again.
So stopped for Breakfast it a town that I don’t think had seen westerners in a long time. Had a few people watch me while I ate breakfast. The rest of the ride turned into one stop after another which makes the journey so much longer. Time seemed to drag on and on, I was still going in the right direction but I knew there was no way I would be able to do the 135km I had thought about doing.
So I have stopped in a little resort town of Sichon which is by the beach it is nice but the prices of accommodation is expensive, managed to get them to drop the price but the room for how much they wanted for the room is a bit over the top. Lets just say I would not want to pay any more for it then I am which I still think I am getting ripped off.
So have about 71km to go and then I thought I might do some island hopping for a few days, maybe 2 days on each island, hopefully they will let me take my bike on the boat to Ko Tao. Then that will take about 250 km of the riding side of things.
So I just have to write a bit more, the sunset tonight was extraordinary. Ok just so you can get the idea, I’m sitting in a restaurant that is above the local harbor on a hill. The local boats are heading out fishing for the night, the harbor swings in and around the hill. There are old fisherman’s buildings and ramshackled wharfs with a forest behind and tall palm trees popping out the top. The sun is slowly going down behind some clouds, the sky is a fiery red, as the sun breaks the clouds the water starts to glisten like a million diamonds. I am sitting supping my Coke, yes would be a great add for coke. Then the sun slowly sinks down between two palm trees, it looks larger then in NZ and because of some thinner cloud cover the sun is a dark orange.
I kinder had a small twang of loneliness at this point more that there I was sitting watching this amazing sunset and no one was there to enjoy it with me. O well I probably have not really done it justice with my description but I hope you can get the idea. It’s was one of those sunsets that you remember for the rest of your life. Yes people it was that good. No photo’s sorry left my camera behind. What sort of photographer am I.
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