Well as you can tell from the title it took me a while to get out of bed this morning, it was about 7.30am by the time I got on the road, my legs were feeling it and so was the body, it was one of those days that was going to be a struggle, luckily I only had about 40km ride 3 to 4 hours on a day like this. At least the sky was fairly clear with just high wispy clouds.
So the ride was a bit of a bird watcher ride, went through a swampy area and must have seen about 15 or so different species of bird, it is a shame I had to leave my 1001 birds of the world popup book back in New Zealand, I could have documented what I had seen with the stickers the book gives you. Anyway fantastic, the thing was, I was going that slow I could see them all.
Anyway made it to Kuala Besut and booked myself on a fast boat to the Perhentian Islands, I was going to be staying on the smaller one of the two, that’s were all the back packers go. Have left my bike with Wizam the local storage guy, the bike is staying in his house. He did not seem to dodgy anyway. Told boat leaves at 2pm, sweet can go and get some food before I go, no boat leaves at 2:30pm, No problem. Ok you come with me now boat is going. OK NO LUNCH, lucky only a 30 minute boat ride then lunch.
Boat ride out was pretty quick, Had some lunch at the first café I came to. Nice stir fry noodle, right down to business find somewhere to stay. First place nope sorry were full, Next place No sorry were full, third place yep we have rooms but there out of your price range. Ok fourth time lucky, yes we have rooms, and they looked alright to. Up on the hill looking down on the bay, sea breeze coming straight up the bay to keep you cool. Perfect.
There are some good waves to, not really surfing waves but good for a bit of body surfing. The sea is pretty clear so might book for a snorkel trip tomorrow and then might head over to the other side of the island for a couple of days. The sunsets are supposed to be amazing, and it is a protected bay so the water will be a lot calmer. Have also seen a few monitor lizards already. They just wonder around kicking back, I really hope I don’t run into one on the way to the loo in the middle of the night…
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