The morning started a little over cast and a little windy, the waves were still crashing against the shore as I headed for breakfast, it looked to be one of those days were it could rain or it could be fine. After a couple of banana pancakes and some orange juice I headed down to the pickup area for the snorkeling trip. When I got their it was just me, no one else was there, I was told that 4 more people were coming once they finished breakfast. People the bloody trip starts at 10:30 do I have to wait for you to finish your breakfast because your too lazy to get up on time. Useless bastards. So there I sat and waited.
They finally came and then the guide decided that we should split up as the group had got too big. Being the single person I was sent off onto another boat. Good the other people seemed a bit arrogant. Any way once I was on the boat it chugged into life and we headed off.
As we plowed away around the Island I thought to myself that the boat was not sounding to well, it sounded as though it had lost a couple of cylinders. We were slowing down, it soon became obvious that this boat and engine were not going to last the distance. We managed to make it to the first stop of the morning were our driver got on the mobile phone and arrange for a replacement boat. We had been sent over board for some snorkeling.
Now in my opinion this first stop was a load of rubbish, literally, there were plastic bags floating in the water and rubbish stuck to the corral, I could not believe they would take us to such a place. I thought well hopefully it will get better and not worse. By the time I was ready to get out the water the new boat had arrived.
The next place we went was shark bay, the corral was not the best here either but we did manage to see a small shark and a few fish. No big sharks but there was about 50 or so people in the water so what can you really expect. The next stop was turtle bay now this is what I had been looking forward to. Now I had thought that these would be smallish turtle.
Wrong. They were big buggers, the first one we found was maybe 2 ½ foot long and a bit less than 2 foot wide. From the surface it looked like a rock on the bottom to me but once in the water the magnificence of the creature became apparent. We swam along with the turtle for a while, it was a hard thing to keep up with, it glided through the water with ease and soon left us behind.
After we got back to the boat I realize my flippers had warn a hole in my toe so I decided to forgo the next turtle encounter. The next one was said to be bigger than the first, but it moved on just as quick as the last one. The thing with the turtles is the hang about between the two Perhantian Islands, it is a busy boating channel, I am amazed that there are turtle still around and they have not been mowed down by the boats. I am sure with the traffic that runs through there their have been some deaths.
So lunch time and then back out into the water. The next stop was just off corral bay, a light house about 1 km off the coast. This was one of the best spots of the day, the corral looked in very good health compared to the other places we had been. The greens, purples and or the other colors of the rainbow were present. We took turns swimming down to the nemo fish and watching as they came out to protect their patch.
A few in the group climbed the light house and jumped it the water, some even doing back flips. Then it was off again always moving on to the next lot of corral, it was our last snorkeling stop, I managed to see some squid in the water, they looked translucent in the water and moved rather quick when I followed them. After this we stopped on a white sandy beach and spent a bit of time just relaxing. Over all it was a good day out, but again the rubbish in the water has let the Malaysian islands down. Would I come back, yes possibly but I am sure there are better places with less rubbish.
The night was spent having dinner with the people from the trip. BBQ yellow fin tuna with potato’s and salad. Perfect way to finish the day.
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