So to start with the sea flat calm this morning, slight ripple but nothing you could surf on. Bugger.
Not much has really happened today, I got savaged by mosquitoes at dinner time last night, even with mossie repellent on. So not to happy today to say the least. Have heat rash on my legs and the weather seems stifling at the moment. Looking forward to being back on the bike and on the road again, I think four days in one spot is enough at the moment before I get board and start thinking. Yep it does happen every now and then. Start contemplating the meaning of life etc. Still an’t come up with much though.
So Cherating, interesting place, there is no rhyme or reason to it. Shops open whenever they want, 10am one day 11am the next. Restaurants have their own work hours, which again change depending on what sort of day it is. There is one shop here that has only been open for one day and that has been it.
The information centre in town opens after lunch sometime and closes sometime in the afternoon, there is a time table on the door but that means nothing. The only place I have come across that opens and closes, well not sure about closes but at least it opens at the right time every day is the internet place. Open bang on ten and closes at twelve.
The monkeys have been out in force, did not see any the first couple of days here but the last two they’re everywhere. Wondering along power lines, saw one this morning with some ones bucket dragging it across the roof. Some other ones, we’ll probably the same ones have just come down into where I am staying and were into the guys building equipment, now what would monkeys need a hammer for. Yep time to leave.
A monkey just went across one of the power lines with a cup in its mouth.
Rule number one in Cherating never leave anything outside. The monkeys will get it or try to.
Rule two even if you think you have covered yourself with mossie repellent you have not, or there just ruthless little bustards here, I think the later as I had covered myself.
Rule three If the surf is good spend as much time as you can on it, even if it means not being able to walk the next day, you might not get a second chance.
Rule four, if coming to Cherating come on a weekday, you could have the whole beach to yourself like I did this morning.
Rule five goes with rule three, go surfing with the locals they know the sea and can get you the best waves.
Well those are the rules for Cherating, so far the one of the best beaches I have been to, Monkey bay was pretty damn good to. Well dinner time then pack ready for the 6 o clock start and some more biking. Have had numb fingers on both hands since the 100km ride the other day, just my little finger and the one next to it, it seems the way I hold the handle bar puts pressure on the nerves in my hand. I I I will tape them up tomorrow and see if that helps, have only just started to get feeling back. Movement circulation seem fine, just feels like I have sat on them for too long.
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