Well I started a little late this morning, about 6:15am normally try to be out before 6am. Just could not get out of bed. Hope this is not the start of hard wake ups. Well the starting of the trip was not to bad, more straight flat roads and a head wind. Now why this does not seem bad it gets a bit boring and you have to keep on pedaling otherwise you come to a stop.
Now the first few hours passed uneventful, then the swamps began, and with the swamps the smell, it was like riding passed dead animals continuously. It was horrible to say the least, anyway as the morning wore on the clouds were gathering just before I reached the town of Nanasi the heavens opened up and the rain came down. I stopped for a bit in a bus stop and when the rain eased I found a nice little restaurant for some breakfast.
After breakfast it was off again on the open road, after an hour or so I came across the sewerage plant well the smell from this was not that great either and it went on for at least 2km.How much smelly fun can you have in one day. The rest of the morning was more flat road with curves yeppy a change from flat straight roads.
Made it to Pekan, don’t ever go to Pekan it’s a dive and only has 3 hotels one of which I could not find, the other one was full and the third was to expensive. So I thought maybe I can camp somewhere but alas no. So I had just done 87km and it was another 47 to Kuantan, big lunch two large plates of rice and chicken hopefully will get me through.
The roads out of Pekan all have road works being done on them so it was for the next 30 odd kilometers, it was also very hot and very humid. A lot hotter than in the morning, in the 47km I drank through about 5 litres of water. I was making good time a lot better than the morning and then I realized that I no longer had a head wind, I had been fighting it all morning. At about the 40km mark I asked some locals how much further it was to Kuantan and was told another 20km, my knees were sore I was tired and then I heard that it was a bit soul shattering. I refreshed myself and carried on. The turn off to Kuantan was about 4 km up the road and then it was about 10km into town. By the time I got to 5km to go I had to get off the bike and walk for a km. My knee just would go any more.
After a bit of a walk I managed to ride the rest of the way into town. I have now found a nice hotel for the night with internet access so am updating everything. Maybe off to the beach tomorrow or Sunday.
Break down of Km done
Singapore to Johor Bhuru 52km
Johor Bhuru to Kota Tinngi 47km
Kota Tinngi to Mersing 92km
Mersing to Junit Beach 87km
Junit Beach to Kuantan 122km
Kuantan to Cherating Beach 47km
Total as of 4th April 2009 447km
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