Right I am starting this with a rant, the road signs in this country are about as useful as tits on a bull. I have been looking at the signs as a measure of distance as everyone would I think they are, Ok so here it is road sign coming into a village 21km to Kota Bharu, cool ride through the town and just on the other side after doing about 3 km there is another sign with 21km to Kota Bharu, Ok so you think they measure only the high way km right, wrong. Big sign post before I think it was Marang the other day, Sign saying 50km to Kuala Terengganu, 25km to Marang, ok so 25 from 50 is 25 right, I think my maths can work that out, I think even AJ could work that one out.
Ride into Marang, through and out the other side, sign up 30km to Kuala Terengganu, what the hell is going on here were the hell did 5km come from, I looked around, no space time continuums here no parallel universe that I have slipped it to. Nope everything seems normal, I pinch myself just to make sure I not dreaming. You would not believe how many times this has happened now.
Just one more example this is more to do with Google maps, thought I would check my route on the net, typed in Kualu Besut and Kota Bhura on Google maps destinations, see how many km I have to do. Came up with 57, ok had a look at the roads I needed to take. Sweet 57km easy ride these days 3-4 hours no problems. On the road out of town headed for the town of Jertih were the map said to go. About 15km from Besut, made it there then see a road sign 57km to Kota Bhura, so what about the 15km I have already done.
Did I take a wrong turn somewhere, because there was only one road out of town people, one road, it’s that bloody parallel universe doing strange things again. Man I feel sorry for the guys in their cars, honey I just going to the shop for bread, O now why the hell have I turned up in Kuala Lumpur, must have taken that wrong turn into that parallel universe again.
Anyway that’s enough of that, so was woken up by the Mula at 5:15am this morning, he was a bit early, so I dragged myself out of bed and readied myself for the ride, I have slowly been developing a sore throat over the last couple of days, great it was still there. Packed up ready to go 5:30am yep pretty efficient these days, had to wake the poor hotel man up, he looked a bit pissed, I did give him warning so he can’t really complain.
So look up no stars, not so usual normally there is a little cloud in the morning, out of town bit of drizzle, right out of town, lightning thunder, Ok it was going to be one of those days, rain heavy rain just what you need when you’re not feeling the best, stop in a bus stop out of the rain for a bit, don’t really want to get to wet. Waited ½ hour till it slowed down. OK so I am going to get wet, had my jacket, bag had two plastic bags inside it so gear should stay dry.
Off I went, rain eased then stopped, sweet that’s it then, sun broke through, it was looking better, I was heading west at this stage, turned north towards the border, off to the west the mountains were covered in cloud looked really nice hill just breaking through every now and then. From the east came these Big bad clouds, you know the kind were if you see them at home you turn around walk back inside put on a DVD phone your boss and say you’re sick, pull out the big fluffy blanket and hide under it. Those types of clouds, and they were coming my way.
Great hope I would get breakfast before they arrive, thank the heavens above they are only moving slowly in my direction, I make it to breakfast a bit wet from light rain and wet roads but not soaked. Maybe the morning won’t be so bad. I found a little Roti Canai shop no English just the way I like them. Order four Roti Canai and eat, fantastic, goes well with the sweet tea. Munch through them as though this is my last meal. Then back on the bike and away again.
Just to side step a bit here, I was thinking this morning as my legs pumped away that it is not longer a fitness battle that I am having with keeping going, it has now become a mental battle. My legs just seem to keep on powering along, it’s only when my mind starts to wonder that I start to slow up.
Anyway back to the job at hand, after heading out from breakfast I made good time towards Kota Bharu, it was not until about 10km out of the city did the heavens open up again, no thunder and lightning just lots of rain. Those big black unforgiving cloud had finally got me where they wanted me and let loose. Great. I wonder who I pissed off up stairs this morning to have this. Was it the thought when then Mula woke me up at 5:15am would someone shut him up, I am not too sure.
So as I made my way through the traffic and the rain I made it to the city centre and found my base for the night. Lazy traveler Guest house, the place is nice enough and I have a big room to spread out in. I have managed to wash all my cloths, O yes forgot to say as soon as I found the guest house it stopped raining. I took a walk this afternoon to the Thai Embassy which is closed till tomorrow due to the water festival.
Also I see that the trouble in Bangkok has been put an end to, there has still been a bit of trouble down south so probably will jump on a train for a bit. I have found out that NZ passport holders get a 30 day visa now at the border but will check tomorrow at the embassy. So as the Malaysian part of my journey comes to an end I’ll have to write a bit on the traffic and things. Maybe tomorrow.
Just got startled by the bug man and his spraying contraption, might need to close my window before I get gassed out. Probably not the best for a cold. Smells like diesel. Yep not the best thing for a cold already feeling my throat getting scratchy.
Oh dear sounds like it's that time of the month Steben. You need a girls night...do you want me to eat a timtam for you? Katie xxx