Sunday, April 19, 2009

80km without a trailer.

So the morning dawned blue sky and no clouds, I had decided the day before that I should get on the bike and go for a ride as I had not done much lately. After my Roti Breakfast and a quick chat with Min I headed out of the city towards the border where I hopefully would be crossing in a few days time.
The road out to the border is extremely busy and not very wide on some stretches, a few times today I had to breath in so people could get passed and a couple of times I felt the wind rush passed my hand as the cars came it close. When I left Kota Bharu the sign said 37km to Rantau Panjang the border town, when I reached Rantau Panjang the road sign back to Kota Bharu said 40km. The mysterious appearance of 3 extra kms. Why I ask why???
I had got some new touring bars for my bike, there not the best made but they are not too bad for weight, so I was trailing them today, after the first half of the ride I decided to change them round a bit see if I could get a better fit, I did this a few times on the way back and I now think I have them in the perfect position. For $25 I think they will do.
The whole 80km took about 5 hours with a drinks break and a few changes to the bike. It’s amazing to ride the bike over a distance with no weight. I think these guys who do the Tour de France should have to carry their own gear then see how fast they will go. Even if they didn’t this sort of thing would be good training for them. Maybe I do a bit of tour riding when I get back and see if it works for me. Bring on Tibet and altitude training.
I washed Barnaby the Bear and all my cloth, bike and the lot this afternoon, I think it will be good to start a new country all nice and clean, I really wish Monday would hurry up. These Malaysians know how to add kms to there roads why haven’t they figured out hour to speed up time. Well just have to see what tomorrow brings.

Will post some more images tomorrow...

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