Friday, April 24, 2009

Fast ride, police escort, open road and a seaside stop

Ok before I start I have to clarify something, when I say the cop pissed me off, More like made me very uncomfortable in a Flight or Fight way, everything about oozed seedy under tones.
So I had managed to get some sleep, but still woke up before my alarm, Got up and dressed, packed the bike which had stayed in my room on the 5th floor and headed out. Once on the road I could finally relax, I headed out of town and through the road blocks and was away. Then as I was cruising down the main road a cop ute pulled up beside me. O shit. Four in the cab, with Machine guns and two on the back. Me I have a bike pump. The guns the day before did not bother me now they have a presents.
The window comes down, first thing that pops into my head, it’s him. But no it was not him, thank the gods, well whichever is around at this time. He asks me where I am going, so I tell him, O yes at this point my legs have hit over drive. For a bike that weighs 34kg it is flying. Top gear and my legs are hammering away. He seems content with my answer, they slow down and pull in behind me and trail me for the next ten km, I know this from the road signs shooting passed. I carry on down the road wondering why they are still following me.
Just as I turn onto the road heading to Hat Yai which was going to be my next stop, they cruise up beside me, my legs are still going pretty quick and have a good rhythm going. The copper in the front seat waves to me and they turn back the other way. So by now I am 15km out of town. I drop down a gear but carry on at a fairly good pace. The more ground I put between me and Pattani the better I feel.
About 5 more km down the road I go passed a squad of army guys on their motorbikes, two to a bike one with a M16 on the back the other with a lighter machine gun on the front. I am still racing along at a pretty good speed not sure how much further my legs can go, the first Army bike cruises up and passed me the other one hangs back. I have an army escort for the next 15km. As we come up to a road block the Guys on their bikes turn and head back the other way. So not only a police escort but a army escort out of town and all I want to be is on my own.
I flash through the road block with a few hello’s and on down the road, my pace is still pretty good and when I stop for breakfast 1 ½ hours after starting I have covered 45km. After a breakfast of Rice, Glass noodles and egg, with a quick stop at 7 eleven (it’s like your 4 square there everywhere) for some milo drinks, I’m back on the road and away.
My pace had slowed down now to the usual 15km/h and there were no more road blocks, I was out of the bad lanes, I did come across some small hills which were nice and was able to just let the bike roll for a bit. The rest of the ride that morning was pretty good, instead of going to Hat yai I headed to Songkhla on the coast.
I need a swim and to relax for a day, I had just done 3 days of 100km or more and need a break. Get some washing done then back on the road tomorrow. I think I will head up to Chumphon and maybe out to Ko Tao for a few days. It is about 1000km from here to Bangkok, then maybe 700km or so to Vientiane, so 500km to Chumphon is about right for a break stop.

1 comment:

  1. Exciting stuff mate!
    I'm jealous...
    Be careful
    xo T
