Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bed bugs, Tragedy, and an English tea.

Well the trip back to Mersing from the island was uneventful, I decided to find an establishment heading out of Mersing. BAD MOVE. The scourge of the back packers has got me, bed bugs, I had covered my self with Bushman insect repellent on my back legs and arms hoping to ward off any mosquitoes, but what I forgot was my arse, lets just say it looks like someone has gone to town with a pin on my arse. Luckily the front escaped unharmed. Everywhere else seems to be fine. I have had a few mosquitoe bites but nothing like this. And no Treve I am not taking a photo of it.
Anyway because I had planned to start out early any way I got up about 4.30 and was well on my way by 5am. The stars were out and the lights of the city were soon flashing by. As I headed away from Mersing and the town I ended up riding through the country side in no time at all. At some points I was the only one on the road. It was me and the sounds of the forest. Yep after about 10km into the ride the thought popped into my head, what wild animals were there in Malaysia, and were there any that could eat me and what the hell was that sound behind me.
Luckily I put these thoughts to the back of my mind and carried on riding through the night, the stars were out and the morning was clear. I arrived in Endau about 6.45 so was still travelling around 20km per hour, the road was hill but just more up and down rather than long climbs. Tragedy had struck some were between Mersing and Endau I had lost my bright colored flag, I am now only flying the New Zealand silver fern, I will have to see if I can find a replacement flag at some point.
Breakfast at Endau was toast with honey and some sweet tea. Yep I had tea, the first cup was good the second not that great. After breakfast it was back on the bike and back out in the traffic. Asked for directions and got told the wrong way, so a guy on his motor bike showed me were to go and I was off again. Since leaving Endau the roads have been flat and easy going, I made good time to Kuala Rompin that I decided I would carry on up the road for another 15km to get a head of the game.
On the way here which is Lanjut Beach I came across a man with a monkey which was dropping coconuts out of the coconut trees, it was pretty cool to watch for a few minutes as I had not seen it done before. In the passed I just paid one of the local kids to climb up.
I am now by a beach with a bit of surf, I don’t really feel like swimming and the water is a bit of a brown color so washing and relaxing is the order for this afternoon, then back on the bike tomorrow to Pekan. Then Cherating beach for another few days break.

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