Right today was going to be all about getting the trailer fixed, if you have seen the picture, the trailer had broken. Up and out for breakfast, have to feed the beast first then down the road, stopped in at a couple of places but no arch welders, so on ward I rode. Before I carry on this is all Aarons fault, he changed the front connections for me before I left, so now anything that happens to the trailer is his fault. By the way Aaron the Connections work perfectly, might offer this to the guy who makes these.
Back to the story, finally found a guy in a little shack by the road, he was welding up a wheel barrow when I dropped in, so he stopped that and I showed him what I needed. Now this guy crutched down and started weld the bar back together, he was using a pair of sun glasses as protection, with flip flops on, well this is asia.
Once we had got the bar welded I got him to weld another bar across the whole thing for support so hopefully it wont happen again. I then asked him if he had a grinder, which he did and he started to grind away, now forgot to mention earlier the guy’s who’s wheel barrow it was, was still waiting. I ended up saying that I will grind and he can finish the wheel barrow.
Away I went, not his welding was probably better than I could do but was still not really the best, it should hold though. I grinded the big chunks off and just gave it a run over to get anything off that would catch and rip my bag. After this was done I had a look at what may have caused it. I wont go into detail, but I think I have solved the problem, lets hope so.
Right time for some sanding and painting, cant have it rusting, Rode around a few places but no black paint, then as I was thinking about lunch I came across a little shop on a corner with everything I needed. So I found a place to sand and paint my trailer. Sweet. As I started sanding two young girls came up selling trinkets and wanted to help, so I gave them some sand paper and away they went. They keep checking with me to make sure it was right, once this was done I did the first coat of paint, and this is when the negotiation started.
You want bracelet, you want this you want that, I negotiated them down a bit but not really that hard, they had just spent ½ an hour sanding my trailer for me. So with the negotiation finished and they were happy because they got a good deal one of the girls asked to ride my bike. These girls were around maybe 10, yep no problem, drop the seat down which was still way to high and off one of them went, down the road up the road, she stopped and the other girl had a ride, both had big smiles on their faces by the end. After this it was time for them to head away and find some other suckers.
I had done a couple of coats of paint on the trailer and will do one or two more tomorrow, I headed off for lunch and to do a blog update and bumped into the Argentinean couple from Vang Vieng so am meeting them later on, also bumped into the Aussie guy I talked to at the top of the hill so now have a contact in Phnom Penh which is great.
Chilled out for most of the afternoon then checked out the Night market in town, Ran into a German guy and French girl who I had meet in Vang Vieng, they have some photo’s of me trying to salsa which hopefully I will get to see. Meet up with a few people yesterday, heading out to the waterfall tomorrow with a guy from Israel who I had talked to with the Aussie guy up on the hill.
Last night I went out for dinner a there was a guy there who had a AJ Hackett bungy jump t shirt on, we started chatting and I said I was riding around asia, and then he goes “ Your that guy, I have heard about you”, so it seems my fame is spreading, have to not get to big a head about this.. Of cause he did say a bit later he thought I must be crazy. Meet a couple of kiwi’s last night when having some Crepes and then the french and German couple came along as well so another reunion..
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