What a day at the office, kids. The sky was overcast but the sea today was flat calm, you have to wonder which sea god I upset set to have a ruff day yesterday and then flat calm today. So two dives today, one dive between 6 to 10 meters and one from 10 to 15 meters. We wait each morning for the incoming ferry from Ko Pha Ngan which arrives at 10 and drops off the rest of the divers for our boat.
O yes must stop here and do a name change, Stew is really TJ, Stew was the Irish guy and TJ is my instructor now, I won’t even try and spell his full name because I can’t even say it. Kate is really Sara, Not sure how I thought she was Kate. She does look like a Kate if Kate’s had a look. I am just bad with names. Anyway I hope we are all on the same boat now.
So divers today were me, of cause, 4 Malaysian’s and a English guy and there guides, and besides my name I have no ideas on any of theirs. So again it was just Me and TJ heading out and about for the morning dive. The rest of them had their own guides. First dive was just a fun dive, get used to getting myself neutrally buoyant in the water. The day before we had worked out that I should only need 3 weights on the dive belt, so as we descended towards the bottom, letting all the air out of my BCD, that’s right know the lingo and we started to swim I had to keep my head down and legs up to stay down, luckily TJ had brought along a spare weight so finally I could sink. Well have better buoyancy anyway.
Had a swim round looked at the fish, got attacked again by those little fishes, my ears got attacked and my legs, the little buggers are ruthless. Anyway back to the diving, did a few barrel rolls and things, I have to say it’s pretty cool looking up when boats goes over the top. Just remember to stop kicking as you could run into a big rock when looking up. They are pretty keen to keep the corral around here so luckily TJ did not see me crash. Eyes on the ball lad.
After what I thought was only 30 minutes, TJ signaled for us to head back towards the boat, which to tell you the truth I had no idea where it was at all, as it was we had swam around in one big circle so we did not have far to go. A slow rise to the surface and out. We had been down there for just over 45 minutes time flies when you’re having fun.
Now just have to go off on a slight tangent here, one of the Malaysian guys on the boat with us was just snorkeling, well he did not bother with a snorkel, and the guy could stay under water for quite some time. It did turn out that he was a fisherman so that explains that, but still very impressive staying down there as long as he did. After the second dive he swam down maybe a couple of meters and chased one of his mates around who was diving for a minute or two.
Lunch was the usual Chicken, Pork, rice sort of meal. Now the Malaysians were Muslim and one of them asked Sara the Dive Master if any were pork, and she told them they were all chicken, to tell the truth I could not tell if they were pork or chicken tasted nice though. No one said anything when we realized so no problem. Hopefully Alla will not be to upset with her later on.
Right so second dive briefing while the boat moved to the new spot, TJ went over what we were going to do, he did also mention about not getting too close to the other diver, not only had I crashed into the rock, and it was a big rock, I had also been fairly close and crashed in to TJ a few times. It was only my 3 dive. That’s what buddies are for an’t they.
In the water and off we go, this time deeper dive and a few exercises just to make sure I could do them at depth. Had a real hard time equalizing on the second dive, lucky for me it is just me and TJ so I was not really holding anyone up, but it seemed to take forever. Stop, Ascend a bit, equalize, descend equalize, equalize descend, stop back up a bit equalize you get the message anyway, it took a long time. TJ keep looking at his watch, but I’m the customer.
Finally after what seemed like An eternity we got to the bottom, thank the sea gods, time for a look around then a few exercises. The fish were pretty cool and got to see lots of Nemo fish, no sharks or stingrays but lots of the piranha fish(well I’ll call them Piranha fish) that kept on attacking me. Do I look like food… There is no meat on me what were they thinking.
Did the exercises no problems, I had had a problem with my mask all day were it kept fogging up all the time so had to keep flushing it out. So no problems with taking it off and on etc. We saw a couple of Morray eels, and lots of fish fighting each other. Overall a pretty good dive. Another 45 minutes under. Once on the boat we packed everything up and waited for the others, then back to shore and exam time. Alright. What am I doing again.
Have to say got 3 questions wrong in the exam, so would not dive with me if I was you 94% bugger, just silly mistakes too, like not reading the question properly. But it’s done over with, after the two dives tomorrow I will have joined the PADI dive fraternity and be able to dive around the world, probably like the rest of you. I’m just a bit slow. So get the boat dive ready Dad for when I get back. You fish, I’ll pull on your line…
So looking forward to tomorrows dives and just being able to enjoy the underwater world and not having to worry about exam questions etc. Just diving… Hopefully the sun is out tomorrow, the light is really flat down there. Might also buy a underwater camera for some photo’s. See if I can capture a photo of the Piranha fish.
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