So had a early night last night as snorkeling and being out on the sea can get a bit tiring by the end of the day. Waited for the taxi which turned up nearly on time. Me and girl who were staying at Mr J’s jumped on the back off the ute for a ride to the boat. So the girl who jump on the ute with me was Kimberly a black American, so we all stood and sung the American national anthem, no just kidding.
Kimberly is for Hawaii, and is in Asia for a few month, really nice girl, with a big American laugh. Once we had picked up our gear it was off to the boat and away. Now in Malaysia we were on pretty small boats, the one’s in Thailand could carry 14 people plus crew. They were a few on board.
Kimberly and I sat by each other and as you do you have a chat, the first 10 minutes was Bush bashing and a little on NZ politics. Kimberly was one of those people who knew about the rest of the world and not just America. So after we had a laugh about Bush and all his stuff ups we arrived at the first snorkel sight which was Shark point.
I jumped in and headed off to look for the great white shark and managed to find a 2 foot black fin tipped shark. Don’t ask me what it was because I don’t know. I was not too far from the boat and noticed that Kimberly had not really got in. I went over and asked if all was well. Now Kimberly had had a bad experience rafting and was a bit scared of the water.
I managed to talk her into coming back in, she had a life jacket on so I said I would hold onto the life jacket and not let go of her. We went back out and swam around and managed to see another shark. She was pretty happy about that, we also saw the usual fish and other things. I have to point out here that so far the corral was not as good as Malaysia(even with the rubbish).
We jumped back on the boat and headed to our next location, on arrival I grabbed hold of Kimberly’s life jacket again and took her for a snorkel through some corral areas and around then dropped her off at the boat and looked around a bit more. It is sad to say but there has been a lot of destruction of the corral beds. Throughout the day at the next 3 sights it did not really improve.
Just as I dropped Kimberly back at the boat one of the guys with us dropped his snorkel and goggles. I tried to swim down and grab them before they got to deep but missed and they head to the bottom. I got one of the guys to give me a gaff off the boat and swam down again, I managed to use the gaff to get hook the goggles then turned and headed for the surface.
I had gone down quite deep and you know how when your body wants air but you can still see the surface a few meters away, it was a bit like that. I did not think I had gone down that deep, it must have been the time I spent hooking the goggles that had used my breath up. I burst out of the water as though everything was alright and handed the over the goggles to the happy customer. Then relaxed back in the water to catch my breath. Good deed number 2.
We did get to see a lot of these strange creature’s with metal tanks on their backs. I swam down and had a look at a few of them. They were of different shapes and sizes and some had white legs and arms and some black. I also found they don’t like it when you prod them with a stick or try and catch them with baited hooks. Once you caught one though they put up a good fight.
By the third stop Kimberly was swimming around by herself so my job was done, yep my good deed for the day, I managed to find a couple of nice shelves of corral at our last snorkel before we headed to a small Island off Ko Tao. The beach was pretty much made up of dead corral, but once in the water it was probably the best spot we had been to. The only problem is that they let all these boats come in to close to the shore. We were maybe one of 20-30 boats anchored off the island.
So am back on dry land again, am a little red even though I covered myself in 50spf sunscreen and did a couple of repeat covers with my 30spf. Lucky for me I have nothing planned for tomorrow, maybe just a bit of Blog update and that’s it. Tonight we are all meeting up for the Half moon party at a bar down the way so might have a couple of beers. Am still waiting for good deed number 3.
Party hard Steve. Look out for that half moon.... :-)