Well that sums it up really, I am sitting in Vientiane waiting, I could carry on down south or jump back into Thailand but what is the point, If I head south I well end up having to cross over the border further south, and have to say the next three days south there is not much to see, I could head to Bangkok but then I would just be waiting there, and really Vientiane is not to bad a place to hang out in.
Before I go on I have not just been sitting around, mostly I have been lying down or relaxing on these very nice deck chairs they have at the guest house, and I have been eating, there is not much else to do. The insurance are checking out my passed history, Medical that is, they would be worried if they checked out my passed history, mainly because they would come across all of your dodgy pasts to.
So I sit and I wait, minutes, hours days slip past and I wait. I have also been reading, and have finished a book called the stone circle, bit boring to start but it does get going in the end, and now I am reading Lords of the Bow, It’s about Genghis khan, have to say it is pretty good so far.
I have been shopping, you know how you walk the shops looking for something you don’t need but you have time so you have to do something, right. So I have been window shopping, the problem is all the shops are open front so it really invites you to just wonder in, then if you look at something for more than a milli second the shop owner is there giving you the highest price he can think of. So just for fun I have been giving to lowest price I can think of, a few times I have got the most evilest of looks with this technique. I really don’t need anything and the more I get the more I carry. I did manage to pick up a couple of t shirts cheap using this technique, saying that the shop owner still looked happy, but they were 70% cheaper than the tourist shops so thought I did well.
Had a massage the other day which was pretty good to, an hour of being slapped, poked and twisted, it was good, for something to do might have another one this afternoon. It’s only 46 c today so it’s a bit cooler then yesterday at 48 c.
Bumped into Lashana last night, she is having problems too with swollen feet, too much walking me thinks, there is only so much walking the feet can take in flip flops. Maybe I should write a book “the aliments of road touring”. What with me and my knees and her with her feet, and of cause my saddle sore, and my hands there are a few more things I am sure.
Anyway it was really good to catch up again and meet up with someone who has been going the same way and has interesting stories, Lashana is a very interesting young lady. Life is about experience and it seems on this trip she is having a lot of them. You go girl.
Just caught myself writing the same thing again, so it’s time to sign off for today, one more thing I did was wash and clean my bike today which I have not done since Malaysia, I have cleaned the chain a few time but not the whole bike, there are so many scratches on my bike now, the trailer looks like hell even though I did repaint some of it. Saying that everything on the bike is in good nick and all I really have to do is adjust the brakes a bit. So good on you specialized. The rock hopper keeps on hopping. I will stop now.bye.
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