I had not got much planned for today, thought I might head out to one of the big shopping mall and have a look around, also had to phone the insurance and hope they had decided something. So headed out on the local bus no 17, the fumes of the car were terrible, the amount of smoke in the air is incredible, after only a few km’s it was getting to the back of my throat.
The ride was pretty quick as we raced through the traffic, thank god for the bus lanes it makes the ride nice and quick, we came across my stop in no time at all, I jumped out and wondered towards the big mall, 3 building 5 to 6 levels in each building and they sell everything, there were car show rooms with your lotus, Lamborghini etc all your top models.
I found a phone I could call the insurance from and gave them a call, Southern cross insurance how can I help, I have my claim number here, sir what is your name, steve do you want my number or what fella, the twat, good way to start now you have pissed me off, shit what a moody arse I am, anyway I have waited enough for this lot. I do realize that you have to claim back off them, it’s you think with the amount of claims they have to deal with they would be a bit more help full. I mean really is it that hard to say, sir currently we are still looking at your claim and we need more information, we can arrange appointment for you we recommend this hospital. Not with southern cross travel insurance, they don’t give you any help the useless #$@%$@#%$@.
Anyway have said my bit don’t have southern cross travel insurance and get sick they don’t help you at all. So what they want is more tests, so I took myself off to the hospital, this is where my day gets better and better. Got to the hospital, got sent to registration, 10 minutes later was taken by orderly to see a surgical doctor, Saw him and then sent to another doctor in ENT(ears nose and throat for those that don’t know). Got dropped off in the waiting room pulled my book out to read, Mr dunkin please come through.
Sat down in the next doc’s office, told him my story, getting good at telling stories. He got me to sit in the special chair that goes up and down, he had a feel of my throat and everything, then he says “it all feels fine, I think it was an infection from the sounds but just to be on the safe side we will do some needle point biopsies to be sure”. Ok so I am thinking maybe a couple of days then for that then a couple more for the results and then back on the road. Or right, sweet.
Doc “we can do that at 3pm this afternoon if you like, Ok sounds fine to me. So I was booked in for a needle point biopsy of my lymph nodes in my neck in two hours time, from arrival to this had taken 1 ½ hours. Now that is efficient. So off I went to look for food and to waste a couple of hours, in Bangkok that is easy to do.
At 3pm was back at the doc’s office and waiting, down stairs to the operating rooms, had to slip into one of those sexy robes they give you, o yes baby, everyone looks hot in them. Got taken through to pre admit after storing all my gear in a locker. The usual heart rate and blood pressure, have to say here my heart was pumping at about 70b/min, I think because I knew what was about to come.
So for those that don’t know a needle point biopsy is pretty much where they take a needle and stick it into you and extract some cells, in my case from two lymph node in my neck. Now because lymph nodes are fairly small they have to find them first, then there is a bit of local and then in the needle goes. They did my right side first so I did not get to see the monitor till the left side. I have to say it is a weird sensation looking at the monitor and watching the needle go in and out of my lymph node. Lucky for me the local was doing its job so it was not to sore.
After this it was back to recovery and clothes on and off to pay, my whole bill for the day was around 10000 baht about $500NZ and all finished in 5 hours, I have to go back on Saturday for the results then it is off to Cambodia, hopefully. Fingers crossed.
Wonder off back towards Khao san road, just walked, had to head in a north direction so headed that way, walked for about 1 hour then jumped in a Tuk tuk back, I knew I was fairly close, we started at 120 baht and settled for 50baht, it had only cost 7baht on the bus, but tuk tuks are fun. This guy was, we raced through the traffic, only had one close call and he snuck in front of a car at some lights.
Am now back at the hostel, after finding a good meal for 30 baht, it is so cheap to eat here, in fact I am heading off for some more food now, only because I can and have lost some more weight. Was only just above 63 kg, got to eat more…
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