Sunday, May 24, 2009

The reason, the doctor

So I had headed south one: because things were not working with what I wanted to do, yes I could have just done them anyway but sometimes you just have to listen to the world around you and go with your gut feeling, and two: and the major reason is have a sore lump in my neck which I would like a doctor to have a look at, I have had it for about 5 days and it has not really improved, it has not got bigger or smaller and still hurts the same so I think it’s best to get it checked out.
Back to the day, on the bike heading for the 6:30am bus, went passed a load of locals standing around a European guy passed out on the side of the road, he moved as I went passed so he was still alive but from the state of him he won’t be up to much for the rest of the day. Just got to the main road and here comes the 6:30am bus ¼ of an hour early, lucky I was early.
On the bus, bike and trailer on the roof and horn blarring we headed down the road, picked up a few locals along the way, then it was off out of town and gone, it took 4 hours to drive what I had ridden in 10, the only real exciting bit was when we stopped for breakfast. This is not a stop were you get out of the bus, it’s a they come to the window, you throw money at them and they throw hopefully what you want back.
So in a minute of frantic buying and selling, and yes it was about a minute, I got boiled peanuts, and two lots of sweet fried bread sort of things which turned out to be pretty good. I normally would have picked something up before a bus ride but the bus had beaten me to it. Have to take the good with the bad.
Arrived in Vientiane and headed for the Aussie Embassy which I had seen on the way into Veintiane on my first day in Lao, Managed to get through security with a lot of effort, ended up having to leave half my things with them, as I have knifes, Mountain bike tools and tubes in my bag O yes and the dreaded camera. My bike got locked to a street post outside under their security cameras, with my bag chained to the trailer. Good luck if they want to steal that heavy thing, in fact here’s the keys.
Once in, I saw kangaroos and koalas and blond surf babes in bikini’s, no not really mostly just Lao people, Saw the doctor (who was a Aussie)(and just to put something else in here he thought I was Aussie to)(Aussie aussie aussie aue aue aue) and now I have to head into Thailand tomorrow for a scan of my neck, to see if they can see anything. And for all of you out there my blood pressure is perfect and my resting heart rate is 46beats/minute and I have lost a kilo in weight so will have to eat even more. O that is going to be hard work. Eat more, so it’s two banana pancakes and not one from now on.. The things I have to do.
I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to sort out my insurance, I put all my previous history on my policy so they have it all there, hopefully they don’t try and not pay it as it is rather expensive all in US dollars. Lucky I have a tent for the rest of my trip.

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