I have a day to waste, I decided that I would get a dry bag for my trailer, having 2 plastic bags to keep my things dry is a bit annoying, checked on Khaosan road the home of ripe offs and there are some for around 1800 baht, I think I can do better than that so it was off to the malls again. I had also decided to get my visa for Cambodia in Bangkok before the border. After finding the location in the lonely planet I was off on No 47 bus through the streets of Bangkok.
I would have a little walk passed the Horse racing club then, around a corner and there it should be, yes you noticed the should be didn’t you. So it was I got off the bus, probably a couple of stops to early but that did not mater I had time on my hands. When I looked on the map the turf club did not look that long but when you add in that the road I was going to cut through was closed due to construction it became an epic journey, had to walk down a whole other block. I ended up cutting through the medical school which may have taken a km off the journey.
By the time I had found my way through the Medical school my legs were a bit sore, now your all thinking but he should be fit by now, and don’t get me wrong if I was on my bike it would have been easy but walking 5 or so kms is a bit of a hike. Got to the place where the embassy should be and it had moved, so looks like Visa on the border. Still had to walk all the way back to the malls now as well. By the time the mall arrived I was ready for lunch and a sit down.
Food court 5th floor, the problem with these food courts is there are so many things to choose from, to start, do I want Thai, Loa, Cambodia or Chinese, do I want rice, noodles, it takes 10minutes just to walk passed all the stalls. I found lunch, Garlic seafood with thick noodle, as you can see it looks pretty good, and tasted so nice. I won’t go into the details but the flavors were scumsish. You know what I mean.
The body was filled with food, my legs had had a rest and I was prepared for some shopping, now girls reading this would have been in heaven, that’s if you like shopping, everything was for sale, you name it and they had it, so many floors it was easy to get lost. Up down every where I looked there were clothes, shoes designer watches. It was a nightmare. Headed to information and found the floor I needed and headed off. It only took 15 minutes to find the area and then another 5 minutes to find what I was looking for. My legs are feeling tired just writing about it.
It was cheaper in Khaosan road, which I knew it was going to be, just have to work on a better price when I get back there. I will be riding through Monsoon weather so a good dry bag I think will be important.
After about 5 hours I had had enough, yet I lasted that long, Walking the whole time, they should provide sidgways to ride around on. So it was off back to Khaosan and relaxing. The bus ride back was an exhaust fulled thing, they really need to do something about admission control here, would improve the city no end. After my big day I think I shocked the waiter at the restaurant I went to when I ordered 3 meals, just could not eat enough last night.
We had a massive thunder storm last night and my room was getting flooded by water coming in through the window so had to sort that out before bed, the storm raged for hours with colossal crashes of thunder and lightning which were pretty close on the counting scale.
I have decided I will ride to the border, so if all is clear with the docs I will be off, I think it will be a challenge to ride out of Bangkok and onto the open road, I feel the time is right for this challenge, it will also get me a bit ready for Ho Chi Min City, bring it on…
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