Now Raileh is one of the hardest places to get out of when the weather is ruff, the sea was breaking right up against the front of the resorts there so the boats head to a quite are right in the corner of the bay, the thing is the Resorts that line the front of the beach don’t have a way through, it’s once your there that is where you must stay, so in crap weather you have to fight your way through the surf to get to the boats and they only go when there is enough people.
Now when I got to the West beach I thought I would wait for a hour or so and hope the tide would be out a bit so making the trip a little less wet and hopefully me and my bag would survive without getting to soaked, yea right. Good wish but it was never going to happen. One way or the other the weather would get me.
I decided I would stop and have some lunch before I made the journey hopefully calmer seas would help. When I was half way through my lunch a guy came along asking for people going to Ao Nang my next destination, why is it that people always want you just as your eating lunch or dinner. I scoffed my food down and headed for the boat, there was only one way to do this and that meant getting wet, so I jumped in with my bag above my head and waded through the water to the boat, managed to get there without getting the bag wet but I was soaked to above my waist, lucky the water is warm.
The boat trip around the bays was just as bad, my bag was up front so it managed to stay dry which was good, at least I would have dry cloths to get changed into when I arrived in Ao Nang. The long tailed boats are not really that good in rough seas the water just sprays over the side and right into were everyone sits, it’s impossible to stay dry. So by the time the boat crashed through the waves and made it to Ao Nang I was soaked the only part of me that was dry was my back where my backpack was.
I managed to find a nice enough hotel and had a shower and got dry. I was in Ao Nang over ten years ago and it has really changed, from a sleepy little village with a few guest houses and bungalows to resorts and flash hotels it even has a Macdonalds not that that is a good thing really. So times have changed in ten years. I meet up with Tania that night for dinner and a chat, I was planning to do a snorkeling trip the next day and invited her a long if she wanted to come.
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