Well were to start, I’m 33, mouse ging hair blue/gray eyes slim build, woops not internet dating, so I started riding from Singapore 25th March 2009, covered over 5000km over 5 months and had not a single flat tire which is simply amazing. I mean if someone had told me that at the start I would have laughed at them, it’s just crazy, thank goodness I had my schwarbbles is all I can say. I have wanted to leave the bike on the side of the road and walk away many times, but with determination bordering on the obsessive I made it, at times I had to push myself harder than I ever have before both mentally and physically stopping myself from camping on the side of the road which sometimes may have been a better idea then riding on, what was one more day in the big picture really.
I have seen a side to the countries not many people see, I have journeyed were not many tread(tourists), and meet some amazing people(local and tourists) and experience joy, loneliness, fear and pleasure. I have been trailed by motorbikes, polices, the army, cars, trucks, Vans and tuk tuks and have done more high fives than at any other time in my life. What makes a journey, it’s the journey itself, the exploration of new places meeting new people and experiencing new things. And I know I have ranted on sometimes about how hard it has been but I am still ready the next day to carry on and have still enjoyed the journey.
Statistical info
Rode 5003 km over 6 countries in 5 months, That’s an average of 80km/day over 62 riding days or 34km/day over the 147 days I was away. No flat tires how freaky is that, one crash which just happened to have 4 witnesses so cant deign it ever happen, four trailer breakdowns First in Lao, Cambodia and two in Vietnam, One broken spoke in Vietnam, One broken head set seal found in Cambodia, One mended cable guide at Ankor wat, Six redesigns on gloves not as successful as redesigning the grips, three train rides and worth the money, three bus rides all killers, one minivan ride as bad as the buses, nine boat rides comfortable.
Longest day 11 hours 30minutes or there about, hellish hills in Lao rising 600m than falling 600m beautiful country though. Longest distance 160km only because I wanted to see if I could, Hardest ride Uon kuon to Lham phra bang , Most Ice-creams in one day 4, I needed them it was hot. Most meals in one day 7 meals and that was mostly rice plus I snacked as well. Hottest day 49c Vientiane Lao. Hospital Visits 5, Hours in theatre 1, Doctors seen 7, Operations 2 non fatal, Insurance claims 2. Biggest Hills Lao but stunning views with villages clinging to the ridges, well worth the grind, Best Temples Cambodia one of the wonders of the world a must see for everyone and make sure you take your time and enjoy the temples of Ankor. Friendliest people South Vietnamese fantastic people most are not out to ripe you off and good fun to have a chat with even if they don’t speak English. Longest time lost 4 hours and 60km still it was a story to tell and I found my comrades in the end.
So there it is I head back home to the welcoming shores of New Zealand well hopefully welcoming, Asia has been good to me again and has kept me in her warm embrace, she has shown me a new way to travel and new roads to travel. What would I do different, I would have someone with me next time, the worst days were the best days, were I would have liked to point out something or had someone there to experience what I was experiencing, riding with the fellowship was a great time for me and being able to enjoy or sometimes not enjoy the trip with others was great.
The time I really wish someone else was there was the sunset in Sichon in Thailand here it is again just to remind you of what you missed
I just have to write a bit more, the sunset tonight was extraordinary. Ok just so you can get the idea, I’m sitting in a restaurant that is above the local harbor on a hill. The boats are heading out fishing for the night, the harbor swings in and around the hill. There are old fisherman’s buildings and ramshackled wharfs with a forest behind and tall palm trees popping out the top. The sun is slowly going down behind some clouds, the sky is a fiery red, as the sun breaks through the clouds the water starts to glisten like a million diamonds. I am sitting supping my Coke, yes would be a great add for coke. Then the sun slowly sinks down between two palm trees, it looks larger then in NZ and because of some thinner cloud cover the sun is a dark orange.
I kinder had a small twang of loneliness at this point more that there I was sitting watching this amazing sunset and no one was there to enjoy it with me. O well I probably have not really done it justice with my description but I hope you can get the idea. It’s was one of those sunsets that you remember for the rest of your life. Yes people it was that good. No photo’s sorry left my camera behind. What sort of photographer am I.
So I will sign off now, I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog and following my progress, and I look forward to seeing those of you who live in New Zealand very soon and catching up with you all and meeting the new members of the different families. I hope you all have been keeping well and a special thanks to those who sent me news from back home as it was great to hear. Will see you soon.
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