Ha ha who the hell would read this blog aye, we have all been there and had bowel problems at some point, while at home or travelling, probably more while travelling, even with the greatest amount of care bowel issues will arise at some time, they may not happen on one trip but in the end it will happen, never gloat if someone else has a bowel problem.
Anyway my stool was clear, besides some blood, just what you wanted to hear is it not, well you chose to read this even with that heading so what do you expect. Which is a problem, now my gut never did turn bad, No runs so to speak, just a painful stomach, headache and sore neck and with a clear result that then begs the question what the fuck is wrong with me this time. Could it be that these problems are psycho somatic or do I really have a problem, maybe these are physical manifestations of some past psychological event that are now manifesting, all those years of being beaten up by my brother (Thanks Mark) have come to the surface. It could be, or it just could be that my body after suffering years of physical abuse is finally returning the favor, then you have to ask am I worse than anyone else my age, from how my friends are excluding Terry who is trying to catch up yes. Aaron has put in a weak show and Curly has some good problems but seems to bounce back with no side effects. As for the rest of you your not putting in enough effort. Not that you want to.
So where does that put me, stuck in HO CHI MIN CITY with a painful stomach and no one can at the moment tell me why. Psycho somatic or not I still cannot really leave this city till it is sorted, the logistics of getting me and my bike back to the city if the shit really hits the fan(excuse the pun) would be too much for my fragile mind and body to cope with, No not really, it still amazes me what the mind and the body can cope with when it has to. On the skem of things I could be a lot worse and don’t I know it, and so do you from reading this blog.
So I have a test tomorrow which will be Thursday the 2nd were they are going to stick a tube down my throat and have a look at my stomach, lovely, if you have not had this experience you should give it a go, hope the gag reflex is on holiday, I am sure these doctors think let’s do all we can to the foreigner to see if he is different, no really I am hoping they find nothing and if there is something there it’s not too serious, I really want to finish off Vietnam.
The Hospital is a bit different in Vietnam, you have to pay for everything before you have it done, they do let you see the doctors first, then if you need anything after that they charge you there and then, my problem was they don’t accept Mastercard or Visa, cash only, and guess what the closest machine is a block away, but the only way I could find that out was walk out and have a look, as no one there knew were one was that did take the fore mentioned cards, so I had to walk out and look for one, lucky my leg was not broken or I had been disemboweled, that would have made things interesting. I found one in the end and my bill for the hospital is 1 million Dong, my bill this time is about 4 million dong, my insurance are going to love me. They better find something wrong, otherwise after last time what will the insurance think..
So besides the doctors visits what have I been doing you may ask, well there is a good question, what would someone do if they were stuck in a foreign city with a dodgy stomach, well because my stomach was just sore and I did not have to run off to the toilet every 5 minutes, and I did not have the fear of being count out in a public place with no toilet and the extreme agony with the possibility of my bowels releasing the evil there and then, I went forth and explored.
Ho Chi Min City capital of the south, home to 5.38 million people and one of the craziest traffic systems I have come across so far, which reminds me had a close encounter with a motor bike this morning, it was his fault and not mine, I did what I was supposed to, walked across at an even speed, and had made it to the middle of the road as I had turned and looked the other way to make it pass the second half I heard a screeching of tires and looked around to see a bike skidding towards me. Now your thinking will that is not too bad, well I had to put my hand out and was pushed down the road by the bike, I think the guy crapped himself more than I did, as it took him a while to move off. I just carried on crossing the road like nothing happened. You know happens all the time. It really did have to happen at some point.
With not really wanting to buy anything which Ho Chi Min is a shopping heaven girls out there, I took my camera out and have tried to capture the essence of the city, what is the city like? Who are these people and can you really capture it in one photo? Is it the motor taxis, is it the old ladies with their traditional hats selling fruit on the corner, is it the smiling girl on her push bike in the rain, can one photo bring this madness and beauty together and show the world what Ho Chi Min is or am I asking too much of my photography, or is it a place that needs lots of photo’s and one would never be enough. Or could it be that no amount of photo’s can capture Ho Chi Min City and the only real way to experience it is to hop off a plane and walk into the madness yourself. Well that I will leave up to you to decide, I will have put up some more photo’s by the time you read this and there is already some up so enjoy. The experience is mine at the moment but for $2000 for flights and $200 a week it could be yours too, but you would have to have a fan room.
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