Back on the boat and out to sea, we were going to a new dive spot, this one was supposed to have massive rocks that we could swim around. It was just me and my divemaster AJ today, so we could take our time and have a bit of fun, there was a swim through somewhere out there so it was our goal for the morning.
After suiting up and doing the buddy checks we were off, it was not the best of visibility but we headed deeper into the unknown, my ears seem to be getting better with equalizing so we off deeper in no time at all. We dropped down a rock face and then headed out, it was pretty cool just swimming along side of the big rocks, had a bit of a look around the bottom for some crayfish (lobster) but did not see any. The water was warmer then yesterday which was good, we dropped down to about 18m, there was not really much to see and I was looking forward to the swim through the only problem was AJ had missed it.
We ended up swimming up a shoot to the surface as AJ had got a bit lost, he even admitted to it, I have to say that the visibility was pretty bad, after surfacing we dropped back under and headed towards the boat, it seems no swim through for me, bugger and I was running low on air, in the end it was a bit of a long swim back to the boat.
After lunch we were onto the new site, still rate the coral better in Thailand but this was the best place so far and we followed one of the local guys who knew the area better then AJ did, got to see lots of fish but no real big ones, seahorses, shrimp and some weird type of squid. It was pretty cool. The visibility was better on this site, and there were a lot more divers on this site, even ended up kicking one guy who swam to close behind me, not sure if it was my fault or his, but considering I kicked him he must have been in the wrong place. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. After the diving it was back to the hotel for a bit of R & R and then off to meet up with everyone later on to discuss the next days travel.
Wondered down to meet the others to find them all fixing their bikes, hhhmmmm how long will we survive on the open road, it had also been decided that we would take a train for the first 100km or so and then it would be on the bikes, it did get us passed a lot of hills and because of the time constraints the others have it also cut of one days riding time.
While we were discussing this the rain started, and it poured down, we were down on the ground floor when all of a sudden there was water pouring down the stairs in their hotel, next minute everyone is running about, I stayed down stairs with every ones gear while the others all headed up to their rooms, the next thing is Katrina comes down and asks if I can help move their gear, we headed up stairs through the water that was cascading down stairs to the fourth to find it with about two inches of water up there. The drains had got blocked and the whole floor had flooded.
Luckily for Mike and Katrina they had managed to get all their gear to higher ground before it got wet through. From our advantage point we could see down to the street below which was about a foot under water and the rain was still coming down. I remember I had left my window and door to the balcony open so headed off back, we would meet at 5:45am to head to the train station.
The walk back to my hotel was more of a swim than a walk, the water on the road came up to thigh level and I have to say was pretty disgusting, it was brown as far as I could make out and all the litter that they leave on the street was floating around, motorbikes were struggling through and the ones that did not were trying to start their engines when they were finally above water by the time I got home I jumped straight in the shower.
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