Friday, March 20, 2009

Notes from the farm

Hi all the packing is almost done. The bike is just about ready and it should be all go for next week. The travel route is some what planned with room to move. The bike weight has climbed a bit so might be some trimming of some fat, who needs two pairs of underwear anyway. I sure their will be something I forget but that can be sorted when I get there.

The farm has been pretty good the chickens have run a muck the cows are their usual moaning selves, always complaining about not being feed enough, and the Lab(dog) is still eating as much cow crap as she can, which is a bit discusting, but thats Labradors for you.

My parents have had me working while down here, it has not been all plain sailing, so far have chopped up 4 trees, water blasted 1/4 of the house and have only been subjected to one day of fishing which has been a bit disappointing. It was a bit ruff out at sea. Waves breaking over the bow and a limited amount of edible fish, but it was good to be out on the ocean, sea spray in the face and the smell of fish on my clothes.

Anyway the next blog I will be somewhere in Asia, Feel free to make comments and let me know what is happening here in NZ by email.
Take care all

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