Thursday, March 26, 2009


Well I made it; Auckland to Brisbane was a good flight with some sleep on the way and a couple of hours sleep at Brisbane airport.. Then the fun began. 7 1/2 hours of crying babies, there was not just one baby, but 3, when one stopped the next one started, lucky for me there were some good movies so that occupied most of my time. There was some poor Irish guys sitting next to me who still had to fly on to Dublin.. Poor buggers..

The hotel in Singapore was really nice and they upgraded me for free, which was sweet. So I manage to get about 7 hours sleep there before my alarm woke me a 6. Took 1/2 hour to put my bike back together and there was nothing left in the box. So after doing the obligatory photos and getting some very dodge direction I set off in search of Malaysia, Big country should not be to hard. Well after finding 3 roads with the same name and finding out that you can’t ride on a freeway I brought a map, no GPS, bugger. Because of the freeway problem I had to negotiate the Streets of Singapore.

So off I set again with the sun rising in the west, yep wrong way again.. Sun rising in east back up the road I had just ridden down, I was back on track. The Map was not the best to say the least, it was the latest but for some reason some roads were a lot longer then the map showed.

So as the sun started rising higher in the sky I moved slowly toward the boarder, which because I could not use the freeway took about 4 hours that was with plenty of stops looking at the map to check I HAD NOT GONE WRONG AGAIN and food stops, must feed the beast I made it to the border crossing, now this was fun to, Singapore was stamp and away I went, and it kept going and then I thought I was in the right place but no still had more to go.

Finally got to the right place with the Malaysian border guard laughing at me, just because I looked like I had just been dragged up a river backwards. Made it across the border and am now in Johor Bahru, Great place, real nice. NOT. The door to my hotel says not to open door to anyone unless front desk rings first. But I am clean and ready for dinner soon and an early night. The roads are much better first thing.

I am also going to run the freeway, as this will be much quicker to get out of here..
Well must go have Glasses to buy and my room to lock myself in for the night. The recommended restaurant does not look to good either, may have to find some thing a bit nicer..

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